The 2023 Virtual Math Summit is here!
Understanding Dyscalculia and the Science of Math
Becky Lord, M.Ed.
Math/Special Education Consultant
Thank you for joining this session! I hope you have a better understanding of the neuroscience of math and dyscalculia, and what a fantastic tool dot patterns are for developing number sense and foundational math concepts.
Next Steps: Interested in learning more and accessing some free resources? See below…
- Download the Slides and Dot Cards along with an accompanying guide
- Learn more about our online Decoding Math course and receive 10% off!
- Then visit our Dyscalculia, Videos, and Downloads pages for more helpful resources
Questions? Contact Becky at

Download Slides PDF
Download a PDF of selected slides from the presentation: Understanding Dyscalculia and the Science of Math.
Download Slides
Dot Cards: FREE Download
Download the Dot Cards and an accompanying guide for free!
These dot cards are a great way to build on our innate subitizing ability and develop number understanding for 1-10. Have kids learn to identify the numbers, then use them to teach making 5 and making 10, as well as building teen numbers. You can also print 2 sets to practice doubling numbers! Then connect these concepts to addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Download Dot Cards
I’m finishing up this class and I wanted to say THANK YOU!!! I have been teaching for over 15 years and this is by far the most comprehensive, informative, and helpful course I have taken. There is so little information and support out there for teaching math to kids with disabilities and this class was so valuable. The videos were especially helpful.
Decoding Math: Online Course
Are you interested in learning more about the science of math, dyscalculia, MLD, and effective instruction for ALL students? Check out our online, self-paced coursework.
Decoding Math: Unpacking Dyscalculia, the Science of Math, and Targeted Math Instruction is a comprehensive online course designed to make this training accessible to everyone. It is the best of everything I have learned as a dual K-8 math/special educator and coach for the past 10+ years!
The full course consists of 10 modules with 30 hours of content that is fully asynchronous and self-paced. Learn about effective instructional approaches for developing number sense, teaching addition/subtraction, multiplication/division, word problems, and fractions, as well as math assessments, interventions, and IEPs.
Use code BMM2023 for 10% off when you register by March 31, 2023!
Learn more
Professional Development
Interested in having me come to your school? I offer in-person or online professional development for K-8 general and special education teachers.
So many students are struggling with math, and many teachers and schools are not really sure what to do about it. While there are plentiful resources for teaching reading, there is a scarcity when it comes to teaching math to students with dyscalculia and math learning disabilities.
“We have been so fortunate to have the opportunity to have Becky provide Professional Development to both Special Education teachers and classroom teachers within the district on two occasions. Her expertise and easy way to relate to teachers and provide a way to problem solve is outstanding! Teachers have asked repeatedly for her to provide more training to them and have stated her training is the best they have ever had. She is so willing to design PD that meets our needs rather than a one size fits all. We look forward to her providing more PD in the near future.”
Contact me at
2023 Virtual Math Summit by Build Math Minds
The Virtual Math Summit is an annual event organized by Build Math Minds and provides 2 FREE days of professional development from the nation’s top experts in the teaching of elementary math.
I am so honored to be a presenter in this year’s summit. Check out my session on Understanding Dyscalculia and the Science of Math, airing live on Saturday, February 25 at 12:00 pm. Session recordings are available for free until March 6.
Click here to learn more and register!